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"Whenever and however you give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, your mind, your body and your spirit for the rest of your life."

Ina May Gaskin

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My Birth Philosophy

I believe that just as every birth is unique, every mama is unique.

I believe that birth is beautiful, holy, incredible, powerful and sacred, no matter how it unfolds.

I believe that sharing all of the non glamorous realities of birth- that it is hard, messy and oftentimes painful is so important. I also believe that sharing that birth is a beautiful, peace filled and healing rite of passage in your life is equally as important. I believe these two realities can coexist.

I believe that being educated on the realities that may unfold during labor and birth is as important as planning for the birth that you hope for.

I believe that women need each other and that pregnancy, birth and postpartum should never be walked through alone.

I believe that there are a million voices, articles, social media accounts, well meaning friends and family members trying to speak into your birth. If this is the case, I hope that I can help you come back to your own voice, to trust your instincts and intuition, be confident in your choices, and be a voice that amplifies what you wish for. 

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Contact me to learn more about how I may best serve you, availability, and to schedule a free consultation. 

Greensboro, NC, USA

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